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Chapter 13
1 So Abram left Egypt along with his woman, Lot, and everything that he owned, and they traveled into the desert 2 (by then, Abram had become very rich in cattle, silver, and gold). 3 So he returned to the place where he had come from (in the desert near BethEl, between BethEl and AgGai, where he had pitched his tent previously), 4 to the place where he had earlier built the altar and 5 where he (Abram) had called on the Name of the Lord.
6 Lot (who had left [Egypt] along with Abram) had also accumulated many sheep, oxen, and tents; 7 so the land just wasn't large enough for both of them to live together, because of their many possessions. 8 And since there wasn't enough land to share, there were problems between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle, the herdsmen of Lot's cattle, and with the CanaAnites and Pherezites who lived in that land. So Abram said to Lot: 'There shouldn't be problems between you and me, or between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, because we are brothers. 9 Look; the whole land lies before you, so leave me and choose your own way. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; or if you go to the right, I'll go to the left.'
10 So Lot surveyed all the country around the JorDan and noticed that it had plenty of water (this was before God overthrew Sodom and GomorRah). It looked like the Paradise of Jehovah and like the land of Egypt up to Zogora. 11 So Lot chose all the country around the JorDan for himself and he traveled to the east, as the brothers parted ways. Now, as Abram took up living in the land of CanaAn, 12 Lot [chose] to live in a city among neighbors; so he moved to Sodom. 13 However, the men of Sodom were evil and they were sinning before God.
14 Then God said to Abram (after Lot had separated from him): 'Look around at this place where you're standing… look to the north, to the south, to the east, and to the sea. 15 I will give all this land that you see before you, to you and your seed through the ages. 16 And I will make your seed like the dust of the ground. Why, if anyone is able to count all the dust of the earth, he should be able to count your seed. 17 Get up and walk across the land… across its length and its breadth. I'm giving it all to you and to your seed through the ages!'
18 So Abram packed up his tent and took up living by the big tree of MamRe in HebRon, and he built an altar there to Jehovah.
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