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Chapter 15
1 Well after that, Jehovah sent word to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Don't be afraid, Abram; for I am your shield and you will have a huge reward.' 2 Then Abram said: 'O Almighty Jehovah; What can You give me, since I'm about to die without a son? EliEzer of Damascus, the home-born son of my [slave girl] Masek of Damascus, is my heir.' 3 And Abram continued: 'I'm so very sad, because You haven't given me a seed. So the home-born [of my slave girl] will be my heir.'
4 And immediately Jehovah replied, saying: 'He won't be your heir… another who comes from you will be your heir.'
5 Then He took him outside and said: 'Look up into the sky and count all the stars… that is, if you can come up with an accurate count.' And He said: 'This is how your seed will be.'
6 So Abram believed The God (gr. To Theo), and this [faith] was counted to him as righteousness.
7 Then [God] said to him: 'I'm the God who brought you out of the land of the Chaldeans to give you this land as an inheritance.'
8 And [Abram] said: 'My Lord and Master; How can I know [for sure] that I will inherit it?'
9 And He replied: 'Collect for Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old nanny goat, a three-year-old billy goat, a dove, and a pigeon.' 10 So he brought all three of [the animals] to Him, cut them each into halves, and set [the halves] opposite each other… but he didn't cut the winged creatures into halves.
11 Well, birds started landing on the bodies (the cut-up parts), as Abram sat there next to them.
12 Then about sunset, Abram fell into a trance and {Look!} he had an ominous premonition. 13 For Abram was told: 'You must know this for a fact; Your seed will have to live as aliens in a foreign land where they'll be slaves who are treated badly and humbled for four hundred years. 14 Then I will judge the nation that they are to serve; and following that, [your seed] will return here with many possessions. 15 However, you will go to your fathers well fed and in peace at a ripe old age. 16 Then the fourth generation will return here; because even to this point, the sins of the Amorites haven't reached their climax.'
17 And as the sun was setting, {look!} there was a flame that looked like a smoking furnace and like lamp fires that moved between the divided pieces [of the animals]. 18 This was the day that Jehovah made a Sacred Agreement with Abram. He said: 'I will give this land – from the [Nile] River of Egypt to the great EuPhrates River – to your seed, 19 as well as the Kainites, the Kenezites, the KedMoneans, the Hittites, the Pherezites, the Raphaim, 20 the Amorites, the CanaAnites, the Hevites, the Gergesites, and the Jebusites.'
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