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Chapter 17
1 Then, when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him [again] and said: 'I am your God; so be pleasing before Me and don't do anything for which you can be blamed, 2 and I will establish a Sacred Agreement between you and Me, and I will prosper you greatly!'
3 Well at that, Abram fell with his face [to the ground]. Then God spoke to him [again], saying: 4 'Look; I am making My Sacred Agreement with you. Since you will become the father of many nations, your name will no longer be called Abram, but AbraHam; 5 for I've made you the father of many nations. 6 I will make you grow tremendously, I will make nations come from you, and kings will descend from you.
7 'I will also extend my Sacred Agreement between you and Me to the seed that comes from you through its generations. It is a Sacred Agreement through the ages that [I] will be your God and the God of the seed that comes from you. 8 Also, I will give the land where you are [now] living as an alien, to you and to your seed. This includes the entire land of CanaAn… it will become yours through the ages, and I will be their God.'
9 Then God told AbraHam: 'You must fully keep my Sacred Agreement… both you and your seed that descends from you, through all their generations.
10 'This is the Sacred Agreement between you and your seed and Me through all its generations: All of your males must be circumcised… 11 the foreskin of their flesh must be circumcised, for this will be the sign of the Sacred Agreement between you and Me. 12 All of your male children must be circumcised by you when they are eight-days old, throughout all your generations. [This includes all your] home-born servants and those who are bought with money (the sons of aliens who are not your seed).
13 'Those who are born in your house and those who are bought with money must surely be circumcised. So My Sacred Agreement will be in their flesh as [a sign of the] Sacred Agreement through the ages. 14 As for the uncircumcised males who aren't circumcised in the flesh of their foreskin on the eighth day; such individuals must be totally destroyed from among their families for breaking My Sacred Agreement!'
15 Then God told AbraHam: 'Your woman Sara will no longer be called Sara… SarAh will be her name. 16 For I will bless her and give you a son from her, whom I will also bless… nations and kings of nations will come from him.'
17 Well with that, AbraHam fell to his face and laughed, asking in his heart, 'Will a hundred-year-old [man] father a child? And will SarAh (who is ninety years old) give birth to it?'
18 Then AbraHam said to God: 'Please accept IshMaEl to [stand] before You.'
19 But God told AbraHam: 'Look; Your woman SarAh will give birth to your son, and you should name him IsaAc. I will make my Sacred Agreement [with you] firm through him… it will be an age-long Sacred Agreement that I will be his God and [the God] of his seed that descends from him.
20 'As for IshMaEl; {Look!} I have heard you and I have blest him. I will make him grow and multiply tremendously, so he will become the father of twelve nations, whom I will make a great people. 21 However, My Sacred Agreement will be established with IsaAc, whom SarAh will bear to you at this time next year.'
22 Then God stopped talking to him, and He left AbraHam.
23 Well thereafter, AbraHam took his son IshMaEl, all of his home-born servants, all of those whom he had bought with money… all the males in AbraHam's house, and circumcised their foreskins on that very day, just as God had told him. 24 AbraHam was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, 25 and his son IshMaEl was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
26 Both AbraHam and his son IshMaEl were circumcised that very day, 27 along with all the men of his house… those who were born there and the foreigners who were bought with money.
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