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Chapter 21
1 Then the Lord visited SarAh and did as [He had promised] to her. 2 She became pregnant and bore a son to AbraHam in his old age, at the exact time that the Lord had specified. 3 And AbraHam named the son that was born to him through SarAh, IsaAc (Laughter). 4 Then on the eighth day, AbraHam circumcised IsaAc, just as God had instructed him.
5 AbraHam was a hundred years old when his son IsaAc was born. 6 And SarAh said: 'Jehovah has created laughter for me, because everyone who hears [about this] will rejoice with me.' 7 Then she added: 'Who could tell AbraHam that I'm nursing a child, because I've given birth in my old age?'
8 Thereafter, the child grew; and on the day that he was weaned, AbraHam prepared a great feast. 9 However, SarAh noticed Hagar's son (the one who was born to AbraHam through the Egyptian [woman]) playfully making fun of their son IsaAc. 10 So she told AbraHam: 'Throw this slave woman and her son out, because I won't have the son of this slave receive an inheritance with my son IsaAc!'
11 Now, those words about his son were very difficult for AbraHam. 12 But God said to AbraHam: 'Don't allow this thing about your son and the slave woman to become too difficult for you. Listen to whatever SarAh tells you, because IsaAc will be the one who is called your seed. 13 However, I will make a great nation of this slave woman's son, because he's also your seed.'
14 So the next morning, AbraHam got up, gave Hagar some loaves [of bread] and a skin of water, put her son on her shoulders, and sent her away. Then she left there and wandered in the desert near the Well of the Promise. 15 However, [before long] the skin of water was empty. So she threw her child under a fir tree, 16 where she left him, and then she sat some distance across from him (a bow-shot away). And she said: 'I can't just watch my child die.' So she sat there across from him as her child bawled and cried.
17 Well, God heard the voice of the child from the place where He was, and a messenger from God called to Hagar from the sky, and asked: 'Why are you so concerned, Hagar? Don't worry; for God has heard the child's voice from where He is. 18 So now, get up and take the child by his hand, because I'm going to make a great nation of him.' 19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a life [sustaining] well of water; so she went and filled the skin with water and gave the child a drink.
20 God was with that child, so he grew up living in the desert and he became an archer. 21 And as he was living there in the desert, his mother found a woman for him in Pharan, Egypt.
22 Now, the time came when AbiMelech, OchoZath (his trusted friend), and Pichol (the head of his army) [came to] AbraHam and said, 'God is with you [and has blest] everything you do. 23 So, swear to me by God that you won't harm me, my seed, or my name; rather, you should deal with me in the same righteous way that I've dealt with you in this land in which you are living.'
24 And AbraHam said, 'I swear.'
25 Then AbraHam complained to AbiMelech about some water wells that his servants had taken from him. 26 And AbiMelech replied: 'I don't know who did this thing to you, nor did you tell me about it. Today is the first time I've heard of this.'
27 And thereafter, AbraHam took some cattle and sheep and gave them to AbiMelech, and they made a treaty. 28 Then AbraHam set aside seven female lambs. 29 And AbiMelech asked him: 'Why have you set those seven female lambs aside?'
30 And AbraHam replied: 'I'm giving my seven female lambs to you as testimony to the fact that I dug this well.' 31 And he named that place, 'The Well of the Promise,' because that's where they swore their oath 32 and made their treaty. So AbiMelech, his trusted friend OchoZath, and Pichol (the head of his army) got up and returned [home] to the land of the Philistines.
33 Then AbraHam planted a field at The Well of the Promise and started calling on the Name of the God of the ages, Jehovah. 34 And he stayed there in the land of the Philistines for many days.
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