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Chapter 37
1 And these are the generations of Jacob.
2 JoSeph was seventeen years old, and because he was so young, he was accompanied by his brothers (the sons of his father's women BalLa and ZelPha) as he grazed the sheep. And [at the time], they were speaking of their father IsraEl in an evil way because of JoSeph, 3 since Jacob loved JoSeph more than the rest of his sons (he was the son of his old age). And because [Jacob] had just made a multi-colored coat for him,4 his brothers could see that their father loved him more, so they hated him and never spoke to him in a peaceful way.
5 Then JoSeph had a dream, and he told his brothers about it. 6 He said, 'Listen to what I dreamed: 7 I saw you bundling stalks of grain in the middle of the field; and then suddenly my bundle stood straight up, and your bundles turned around and bowed low before mine.'
8 So his brothers asked, '[Does this mean] that you're going to rule over us and you're going to be our master?' Well, this dream and the things he said made them hate him even more.
9 Then [JoSeph] had another dream, and he told his father and brothers about it, saying, '{Look!} I had another dream in which the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed low before me.'
10 But his father scolded him and asked, 'What kind of a dream is that? Do you think that your mother, brothers, and I will come and bow to the ground before you?'
11 Nevertheless, although his brothers were jealous of him, his father paid attention to what he said.
12 Thereafter, his brothers went to Shechem to graze their father's sheep. 13 And IsraEl said to JoSeph: 'Your brothers are grazing the flocks at Shechem and I want you to go to them.' And he replied: 'Look, here I am.'
14 So IsraEl said: 'Go there to see if your brothers and the sheep are doing well, then come back and report to me.' So he sent him from the HebRon Valley to Shechem.
15 Well, a man later found him wandering in the fields and asked him, 'What are you looking for?'
16 And he said, 'I'm looking for my brothers. Tell me where they are grazing [their flocks].'
17 And the man said, 'They've left here. I heard them say, Let's go to Dothaim.' So JoSeph went after his brothers, and found them in Dothaim. 18 However, they spotted him in the distance before he got there, then they got together and wickedly started talking about killing him. 19 They were saying to each other, 'Look, here comes the dreamer! 20 Come on, let's kill him and then throw his [body] into a ravine. We can say, An evil wild animal ate him… then let's see what his dreams amount to.'
21 But when ReuBen heard this, he saved [JoSeph] from them by saying, 'Let's not kill him.' 22 Then [he suggested]: 'Don't shed [his] blood; let's throw him into one of these deep crevices in the desert… but don't lay a hand on him.' ([Reuben] said this so that he could save [JoSeph] from them and return him safely to his father).
23 Well, when JoSeph reached his brothers, they took off the multi-colored coat that he was wearing, 24 then they took him and threw him into a deep crevice that was empty and didn't have any water. 25 And thereafter, they sat down to eat some bread. Then when they looked up, they noticed {Look!} an IshMaElite caravan that was coming from GileAd (their camels were loaded down with spices, resin, and myrrh that they were carrying to Egypt). 26 And Judah said to his brothers: 'What profit would it bring us if we kill our brother and just cover it up? 27 Let's sell him to these IshMaElites instead. We don't want to lay a hand on him, because he's our brother and our own flesh.' Well, his brothers listened to this; 28 so as the merchants of Midian were traveling through, [his brothers] pulled JoSeph out of the crevice and sold him to the IshMaElites for twenty gold coins… and [the IshMaElites] took JoSeph [with them] down to Egypt.
29 Then when ReuBen later returned to the crevice and saw that JoSeph wasn't there, he started ripping his clothes 30 and he went to his brothers and said, 'The boy isn't [there]… where do I have to go [to find him]?'
31 Well after that, they killed a young goat and dipped JoSeph's coat in its blood. 32 Then they took the multi-colored coat to their father and said: 'We found this… do you recognize it as your son's coat or not?' Well, he recognized it and said, 'It is my son's coat! An evil wild animal has surely eaten him… a wild animal has carried off JoSeph!'
33 Then Jacob tore his clothes and covered the lower part of his body with sackcloth; and thereafter, he spent a long time mourning over his son. 34 Although all of his sons and daughters went there to comfort him, he didn't want to be comforted. He said, 'I will go to my grave mourning my son.' And his father kept crying over him.
35 Well, when they got to Egypt, the Midianites sold JoSeph to Potiphar, Pharaoh's councilor and captain of the guard.
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