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The Genesis
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Chapter 8
1 But God didn't forget Noah or any of the wild animals, cattle, winged creatures, or crawling, slithering animals that were inside the chest. So God sent a wind to the earth that stopped the water… 2 for the springs that were under the ground closed and the floodgates of the skies and the rain from the skies were held back. 3 Then the water level started to drop, flowing off the ground. And after a hundred and fifty days, the water became less, and the chest came to rest on Mount Ararat on the twenty-seventh day of the seventh month. 4 Well, the water levels kept dropping through the tenth month, 5 and on the first day of the tenth month they could see the mountaintops.
6 Then after forty days, Noah opened the window that he had made in the chest, and he sent out a crow, which left and didn't return until the water had abated. 7 So it left and it did not return until the water had dried off the ground. 8 Then after that, he sent out a dove to see if the earth was still flooded. 9 But the dove couldn't find a place to rest its feet, because the water was still covering all the ground, and it returned to the chest. So [Noah] stuck out his hand to take [the dove], and brought it to himself inside the chest.
10 So [Noah] waited another week, and then he sent the dove out from the chest once again. 11 Then that evening the dove returned to him with a stem and leaf from an olive tree in its beak. That's when Noah knew [for sure] that the water had left the ground. 12 But he waited another week, and then he released the dove once more. However, this time it didn't return at all.
13 By the six hundred and first year of Noah's life, on the first day of the first month, the water had poured off the earth. So Noah opened the roof that he had made for the chest, and he could see that the water had left the ground. 14 And by the twenty-second day of the second month, the ground was dry.
15 Then Jehovah God spoke to Noah and said, 16 'Come out of the chest… you, your woman, your sons, their women who are with you, 17 and all the wild animals that are with you. Bring out all the flesh that is with you – the winged creatures, the cattle, and the slithering animals that move on the ground – [so that they can] reproduce and multiply on the earth.'
18 So Noah, his woman, his sons, and his son's women who were with him, came out. 19 And all the wild animals, all the cattle, all the winged creatures, and all the slithering animals that crawl on the ground (according to their kinds) came out of the chest.
20 Then Noah built an altar to Jehovah, and he took some of the clean animals, as well as some from among all the clean winged creatures, and offered them whole… burning them on the altar. 21 And as Jehovah noticed the sweet smell, He thought about it and said, 'I will never curse the ground again for the bad things that men do, because the imagination of men is totally bent toward doing bad things from the time they are young; nor will I ever again [destroy] all living flesh as I have just done. 22 Then for all the days of the earth, the seed time and harvesting, the heat and the cold, the spring and the summer, and the day and the night will never be brought to an end.'
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