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The Genesis
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Chapter 1
1 In the beginning, The God created the sky and the land. 2 However, the land was unsightly and unfinished, darkness covered its depths, and God's Breath moved over its waters. 3 Then God spoke, saying, 'Let there be light.' So, light came to be, 4 and God saw that the light was beautiful. Then God brought a division between the light and the darkness. 5 He called the light day and the darkness night. So came the evening and the morning of the first day.
6 And The God spoke, saying, 'Let there be space between all the waters and a dividing of the waters and the waters.' And that's what happened. 7 For God ordered a space to divide the waters that were under the space from the waters that were over the space. 8 God then called that space the sky, and He saw that this was beautiful. So came the evening and the morning of the second day.
9 Then God said, 'Let the waters under the skies be brought together in one place so the land can be seen.' And that's what happened. 10 God called the dry land earth and the collected waters the seas, and God saw that this was beautiful.
11 Then The God spoke, saying, 'Let the land sprout with pastures of grasses that bear seeds [each] of its own kind and appearance. And let there be fruit trees that bear fruit with its seeds, [each] of its own kind.' And that's what happened. 12 The ground sprouted with pastures of grasses that [each] bore seeds of its own kind and appearance, and the fruit trees bore fruit with their seeds, [each] of its own kind, upon the land. And God saw that this was beautiful. 13 So came the evening and the morning of the third day.
14 Then The God spoke, saying, 'Let there be lights in the heavenly space to illuminate the ground to make the division between day and night, and to serve as signs for the seasons, days, and years. 15 Let them serve as sources of light in the skies to shine upon the ground.' And that's what happened. 16 God made the two huge lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light and stars to rule the night. 17 And God assigned them space in the sky to shine upon the earth, 18 to dominate the days and nights, and to make the divisions between light and darkness. And God saw that it was beautiful. 19 So came the evening and the morning of the fourth day.
20 And The God spoke, saying, 'Let the waters give birth to living, slithering animals, as well as to winged creatures that will fly above the earth in the space of the skies.' And that's what happened. 21 Then God created the great sea creatures and all the living, slithering animals that live in the water, according to their types, and all the feathered flying creatures, according to their types; and God saw that it was beautiful. 22 So God blest them, saying, 'Reproduce and multiply in the water until you fill the seas, and let the winged creatures multiply on the earth.' 23 Thus came the evening and the morning of the fifth day.
24 Then The God spoke, saying, 'Let the land give birth to living animals, each of its own kind… four-footed animals, slithering animals, and wild animals of the ground, each of its own kind.' And that's what happened. 25 Then God made the wild animals of the ground (each of its own kind), the herding animals (each of its own kind) and all the earth's slithering animals (each of its own kind). And God saw that they were beautiful.
26 Then The God spoke, saying, 'Let us make men in our image and like us, so that they will rule the creatures in the seas, the winged creatures of the skies, the herding animals of the ground, and all the slithering animals that crawl on the ground.'
27 So, The God created mankind (gr. anthropon). He created mankind in the image of the Gods, as a male and a female. 28 Then God blest them, saying, 'Reproduce and multiply… fill the earth and control it. Rule over the sea creatures, the winged creatures of the skies, all the herding animals of the ground, all the slithering animals that crawl on the ground, and the whole earth.'
29 Then The God said, 'Look, I've given you all the seed-bearing plants upon the entire earth to plant, as well as all the seed-bearing trees to plant as your food. 30 And [I've given] greenish-yellow plants as food to all the earth's wild animals, all the winged creatures of the skies, and all the slithering animals that crawl on the ground and have the breath of life.' And that's what happened.
31 Then The God viewed everything that He had made, and {Look!} it was very beautiful. So came the evening and the morning of the sixth day.
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