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Chapter 14
1 It was during the reign of AmarPhal (the king of Shinar) and AriOch (the king of ElLasar), that ChodolLogomor 2 (the king of Elam) and Thargal (the king of the Gentiles) went to war with BalLa (the king of Sodom), BarSa (the king of GomorRah), Sennaar (the king of Adama), SymoBor (the king of Seboim), and Balac (or Segor). 3 So they all agreed to meet together at the Salt Valley (which is now the Dead Sea). 4 They had serving as vassals to ChodolLogomor for some twelve years, but in the thirteenth year they revolted.
5 So in the fourteenth year, ChodolLogomor and his allies attacked them, cutting to pieces the giants in AshtarOth CarNain, along with the strong nations that were their allies (the OmMeans in the city of Saue and 6 the ChorRheans in the mountains of Seir), all the way to the turpentine trees of Pharan (in the desert). 7 And on their return, they stopped at the Well of Judgment (Cades), where they cut to pieces all the princes of Amalecites and the Amorites who were living in AsaSonThamar.
8 And then the kings of Sodom, GomorRah, Adama, Seboim, and Balac (or Segor) went out and set up battle lines against them in the Salt Valley 9 – against ChodolLogomor (king of Elam), Thargal (king of the Gentiles), AmarPhal (king of Shinar), and AriOch (the king of ElLasar) – the four against five.
10 Now, there were slime pits in the Salt Valley, and the kings of Sodom and GomorRah fled and fell into them, as the rest retreated into the mountains. 11 So [the invaders] took all the horses and food in Sodom and GomorRah and they left, 12 carrying along Abram's nephew Lot (who lived in Sodom), along with all his possessions.
13 Then one of those who had been rescued came and told Abram (the Hebrew) [what had happened], while he was living by the large tree [belonging to] MamRe. ([MamRe] was an Amorite, the brother of Eschol and Aunan (who were Abram's allies). 14 And when Abram heard that his nephew Lot had been captured, he gathered three hundred and eighteen of his personal home-born servants, and pursued them all the way to Dan. 15 Then when he and his servants caught up with them that night, he attacked them and chased them all the way to Choba, which is to the left of Damascus. 16 So he recovered all the horses of Sodom, his nephew Lot, all of his possessions, the women, and all the rest of the people.
17 And after [Abram] returned from the slaughter of ChodolLogomor and the other kings who were with him; the king of Sodom went out to the valley of Saby (the Plain of the King) to meet with him. 18 And there, MelchiZedek (the king of Salem) brought him some loaves [of bread] and some wine. He was the Priest of the Most High God, 19 and he blest Abram, saying: 'May Abram of the Most High God who made the heavens and the earth be blest. 20 And may the Most High God who delivered your enemies into your hands be praised.' Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything [he had captured].
21 And the king of Sodom said to Abram: 'Let me take all the men… you can keep the horses for yourself.'
22 But Abram said to the king of Sodom: 'I swear by Jehovah, the Most High God who made the heavens and the earth, 23 that I won't take anything from you – not so much as a piece of string or a shoe lace – so you won't be able to say, I'm the one who made Abram wealthy. 24 [I will take] nothing other than what the young men have eaten and the share that belongs to the men who went with me, Eschol, Aunan, and MamRe… they will each take a portion.'
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