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Chapter 16
1 Well, Sara, Abram's woman, hadn't given him any children. However, she had an Egyptian handmaid whose name was Hagar. 2 And Sara said to Abram: 'Look; Jehovah has kept me from getting pregnant, so [sleep with] my maid that I might have my children through her.' Well, Abram accepted Sara's advice. 3 So Sara (Abram's woman) took Hagar her Egyptian handmaid (after Abram had lived in the land of CanaAn for ten years) and gave her to her man Abram, to be his woman. 4 Then [Abram] went in to [bed with] Hagar, and she became pregnant. And when she realized that she was going to have a child, she started being disrespectful to her mistress.
5 So Sara said to Abram: 'I've really been hurt by you, for I gave you my handmaid [to sleep with], and when I saw that she was pregnant, she treated me disrespectfully. May Jehovah judge between you and me!'
6 Then Abram told Sara: 'Look, your handmaid is yours! Treat her any way that seems right to you!' So Sara started treating [Hagar] badly, and she ran away.
7 Then a messenger from Jehovah found [Hagar] by a spring of water in the desert (the spring on the way to Sur). 8 And Jehovah's messenger said to her: 'Hagar, Sara's maid; Where are you coming from and where are you going?' And she replied: 'I'm running away from my mistress, Sara.'
9 Then Jehovah's messenger said: 'Return to your mistress and obey her.' 10 And the messenger of Jehovah told her: 'I will make your seed grow, and there will be so many that they can't be counted.'
11 And the messenger of Jehovah said to her: 'Look; You are pregnant with a child. You will give birth to a son, and you should name him IshMaEl ('God has Noticed'), because Jehovah has noticed how you've been humiliated. 12 He will be a wild man, for his fists [will be lifted] against everyone, and everyone [will lift] their fists against him. However, he will live in the midst of all his brothers.
13 Then she called upon the Name of the Lord God who was speaking to her, saying, 'You are the God who watches over me.' And she added, 'because I openly saw the One who appeared to me.' 14 [And from that point on] she called that well, 'The Well of The One Whom I Openly Saw.' Look; it [still can be found] between Cades and Barad!
15 So, Hagar bore a son to Abram; and Abram named the son that Hagar bore to him, IshMaEl. 16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore IshMaEl to [him].
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