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Chapter 23
1 Well, SarAh lived a hundred and twenty-seven years, 2 then [she] died in the city of ArBoc (Hebron in the land of CanaAn), which is located in a valley. So AbraHam went to SarAh to mourn for her. 3 And as AbraHam stood before his dead [woman], he spoke to the sons of Chet, saying: 4 'I'm just a visitor and a stranger among you; but [please] allow me to buy a burying-place among [your people], so I can bury my dead away from [my place].'
5 And the sons of Chet replied to AbraHam, saying: 'No Sir! 6 Listen; You may live among us, but you're [really] a king from God! So, bury your dead in our best tombs! None of us will ever withhold our tombs to keep you from burying your dead here!'
7 Then AbraHam arose and bowed low before the people of the land (the sons of Chet). 8 And AbraHam said to them: 'If you approve of me burying my dead out of my sight, then listen to what I have to say and [please] speak on my behalf to EphRon, the son of SaAr. 9 [I want] him to give me the double cave that he owns, which is located in his field. I will [be happy to] pay whatever it's worth for a burial-place among you.'
10 Now, EphRon happened to be sitting there in the midst of the children of Chet, and [he] answered AbraHam (speaking where he could be heard by all the sons of Chet and by all who were entering the city) saying, 11 'Pay attention to me, my lord; Here before all my countrymen [I say], Bury your dead!'
12 And at that, AbraHam bowed low before the people of the land, 13 and he told EphRon (before the people of the land): 'Since you're on my side, listen to me; Accept the price of the field from me and I'll bury my dead there.'
14 However, EphRon answered AbraHam, saying, 15 'No, my lord! I've heard that the land [is worth] four hundred silver coins, but what value is that between you and me? No, just bury your dead.'
16 And although AbraHam heard what EphRon had said, he still paid [him] the money, just as he had vowed before the sons of Chet – four hundred silver coins that had been approved by the merchants.
17 And the double cave that was in the field of EphRon opposite MamRe (the field, the cave that was in it, every tree in the field, and everything that was within its borders) was sold 18 to AbraHam as his possession, there in front of the sons of Chet and all those [who were] entering the city.
19 So, AbraHam buried his woman SarAh inside the field's double cave, which is opposite Mamre (Hebron in the land of CanaAn). 20 For the field and its cave were sold to AbraHam as his burying place by the sons of Chet.
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