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Chapter 26
1 Thereafter, a famine came upon the land that was greater than past famines that had happened in the time of AbraHam. So IsaAc went to GeraRa to [see] AbiMelech, the king of the Philistines. 2 And there the Lord appeared to him and said: 'Don't go to Egypt! Rather, live in the land that I'm going to tell you about. 3 Stay in this land and I will be with you and bless you. I'm going to give all of this land to you and to your seed, for now I will fulfill the oath that I swore to your father AbraHam. 4 I will increase your seed as the stars in the skies, I will give all of this land to your seed, and all the nations of the earth will be blest by your seed, 5 because AbraHam (your father) listened to My voice and did as I said… He obeyed My commandments, rules, and laws.' 6 So, IsaAc started living there in GeraRa.
7 Well, when the men in GeraRa asked him about RebecKa (his woman), he told them, 'She's my sister;' because he was afraid to say, 'She's my woman.' For she was very pretty and [he feared that] the men there would kill him for RebecKa.
8 Then, after he had lived there a long time, AbiMelech (the king of GeraRa) happened to lean over to look out his window, and he saw IsaAc playing with RebecKa, his woman. 9 So AbiMelech called IsaAc and asked him, 'Is she your woman? [And if so, then] why did you say she's your sister?' And IsaAc replied: 'Well, I said this so that I wouldn't be killed for her.'
10 And AbiMelech said: 'Why would you do such a thing to us? Before long, one of my relatives would have had [sex] with your woman, and you would have brought a sin upon us in our ignorance!'
11 So AbiMelech gave a command to all his people, saying: 'Any man who touches this man or his woman will die!'
12 Then IsaAc planted grain in the land; and that year, the barley produced a hundred times [more than what he had planted], for Jehovah was blessing him. 13 So he became highly regarded and very wealthy, as he continued to prosper, 14 owning many sheep, cattle, and tillable lands. As the result, the Philistines [started to] envy him, 15 and [they] stopped up all the wells that his father's servants had dug back in his time, filling them with dirt.
16 Then AbiMelech told IsaAc: '[I want you to] leave us, because you've become much greater than us.'
17 So IsaAc left there, stopping to rest in the valley of GeraRa, where [he decided to] live.
18 And once more, IsaAc dug the [same type of] wells that his father's servants had dug (which the Philistines stopped up after AbraHam's death). And he gave them each names, using the same names as his father had used. 19 And when IsaAc's servants dug in the valley of GeraRa, they found a live well of water. 20 However, the shepherds of GeraRa argued with IsaAc's shepherds, claiming that the water was theirs. So they named the well Injury, because [they claimed] injury over this matter.
21 As the result, he left that place and dug another well. [But then the people] started claiming [that it was theirs also]. So he named it Hatred. 22 And he left that place and dug another well, which no one else claimed to be theirs; so he named it Space, saying: 'Jehovah has made space for us and He has prospered us in the land.'
23 Then he traveled to the Well of the Promise, 24 where Jehovah appeared to him that night and said, 'I am the God of your father AbraHam. Don't be afraid, for I am with you! Because of your father AbraHam, I will bless you and your seed will increase.'
25 So he built an altar there, and he named it Jehovah. Then he pitched his tent, and IsaAc's servants dug another there in the valley of GeraRa.
26 Well later, AbiMelech came to him from [the City of] GeraRa, with his trusted friend OchoZath, and with Phichol, the commander of his army. 27 And IsaAc asked them: 'Why have you come to me here, now that you've shown your hatred for me and driven me away?'
28 And they replied: 'We have seen that the Lord is surely with you. So we said, Let's make an oath between him and us. Yes, we want to make an agreement with you, 29 that you won't do any wrong to us, and we won't show any more hatred toward you. Isn't it because we treated you well by sending you away peacefully that you are now blest by Jehovah?'
30 So [IsaAc] prepared a feast for them, and they all ate and drank. 31 And when they got up the next morning, they each swore [an oath] to his neighbor. Then IsaAc sent them away, and they left him in safety.
32 However, that very same day, IsaAc's servants came and [gave him news about] the well that they were digging. They said, 'We've found water!' 33 So he named it and the city, The Oath. This is why that city is called The Well of the Promise to this day.
34 Then when Esau was forty years old, he took Judith, the daughter of BeOch the Chettite, and BaseMath (the daughter of Helon the Chettite). 35 And [these women] made life very difficult for IsaAc and RebecKa.
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