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Chapter 28
1 So then, IsaAc called for Jacob… he blest him and told him: 'You must not take a woman from among the daughters of the CanaAnites. 2 Rather, get up and go quickly to MesoPotamia, to the house of my father-in-law, BathuEl, and find yourself a woman among the daughters of your mother's brother Laban. 3 May my God bless you, prosper you, and make you increase; for you will become a gathering of nations. 4 And may He give the blessing of my father AbraHam to you and to your seed that comes after you to inherit this land that you're staying in, which God gave to AbraHam.'
5 Then IsaAc sent Jacob away, and he went to [stay with] Laban, the son of BathuEl the Syrian, who was the brother of RebecKa (the mother of Jacob and Esau), in MesoPotamia.
6 Now, Esau knew that IsaAc had blest Jacob and that after he blest him, he sent him away to MesoPotamia of Syria, to find a woman there. [And he also knew that Jacob] was told not to take a woman from the daughters of the CanaAnites… 7 and that Jacob obeyed his father and mother and went to MesoPotamia of Syria. 8 Esau also recognized that his father IsaAc viewed the daughters of CanaAn as evil. 9 And as the result, he went to see IshMaEl (the son of AbraHam) and took MaEleth (IshMaEl's daughter and NabeOth's sister) to be his woman (in addition to his other women).
10 Thereafter, Jacob left the Well of the Promise and traveled on to Haran. 11 And when he reached a certain place, he decided to sleep there, since the sun had gone down. So he chose a stone and placed it under his head, then he went to sleep in that place 12 and started to dream. Well, {Look!} [in the dream] there was a stairway fastened to the ground which reached all the way into the heavens… and the messengers of God were ascending and descending upon it. 13 Then [he saw] Jehovah standing at the top of it, who said: 'I am the God of your father AbraHam and the God of IsaAc. Don't be afraid, for I will give the land where you're now lying to you and to your seed. 14 Your seed will become like sand on the ground… they will spread from the sea, to the north, south, and east. And through you and your seed, all the tribes of the earth will be blest. 15 Look; I am with you… [I will] always keep you safe, no matter where you may go, and then I will return you to this land! I will never leave you until I've done everything that I said I will do for you.'
16 And when Jacob awoke from his sleep, he said: 'Jehovah is here and I didn't realize it.' 17 That frightened him, and he said: 'What a fearful place! Why, this is nothing other than the House of God and the Gate to Heaven!'
18 And after Jacob got up in the morning, he took the stone on which he had laid his head and erected it as a pillar. Then he anointed it with oil, 19 and he named that place, The House of God (BethEl). (Before that, the city had been called UlamLuz.)
20 There Jacob made a vow, saying: 'If Jehovah God will be with me and guard me throughout this journey and give me bread to eat and clothes to wear, 21 then bring me back safely to the house of my father; He will be my God. 22 Also, this stone that I have erected as a pillar will be a House of God to me, and I will return to Him a tenth of everything that He gives to me.'
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