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Chapter 35
1 Then God told Jacob: 'Get up and go to the place [you named] BethEl, and live there. Then build an altar to the God that appeared to you there, when you were running from your brother Esau.'
2 So Jacob told his family and everyone that lived with him: 'You must get rid of any strange gods that you may have, then wash yourselves, change your clothes, 3 and get ready, because we're going up to BethEl, where we will build an altar to the God who listened to me, was with me, and kept me safe throughout my journey and trials.'
4 So they gave Jacob all the strange gods that they owned and the earrings in their ears; and Jacob buried [these things] under a turpentine tree at Shechem, where they've remained destroyed down to this day. 5 Then IsraEl left Shechem, and because the cities around them had the fear of The God in them, they didn't chase after the children of IsraEl.
6 Well, Jacob and all the people that were with him finally arrived at Luza in the land of CanaAn, which [he had earlier named] BethEl; 7 for it was there that he had built an altar and called it 'the House of God,' since that's the place where God appeared to him as he was running from his brother Esau.
8 Well thereafter, RebecKa's nurse DeborAh died, and she was buried under an oak tree in BethEl that Jacob then named, AlLon-BaCuth (Oak Tree of Mourning).
9 It was at Luza that God appeared to Jacob as he was on his way back from MesoPotamia of Syria, and that's when God blest him 10 and told him: 'You will no longer be called Jacob; IsraEl will be your name.' So that's when He first referred to him as IsraEl.
11 Then God said to him: 'I am your God, so prosper and grow… nations and groups of nations will descend from you, and kings will come from your loins. 12 I will give this land to you that I gave to AbraHam and IsaAc, as well as to the seed that descends from you.'
13 Then God left him there in that place where He spoke to him. 14 And Jacob erected a [stone] pillar [to honor] the place where he had been spoken to by God, pouring a drink offering and oil upon it. 15 And that's when Jacob actually named this place where God spoke to him, BethEl (House of God).
16 [Well, after DeborAh died], Jacob left BethEl and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Gader. And as they were getting close to ChabRatha, on their way to EphRatha, RachEl had birth pains and then went into hard labor. 17 And it was while she was in hard labor that the midwife told her, 'Don't worry, you're going to have this son!'
18 Then, as she was giving up her life (she was dying), she named him BenOni (Son of My Pain); but his father named him BenJamin (Son of My Right Hand).
19 So RachEl died and was buried along the road to EphRatha (BethLehem). 20 And Jacob erected a pillar over her tomb, [which is referred to as] The Pillar of RachEl's Tomb to this day.
21 It was while IsraEl was living in this land that ReuBen went and [had sex] with BalLa, his father's (Jacob's) concubine. And when IsraEl heard about this, it really upset him.
22 Now, there were twelve sons of Jacob. 23 The sons of LeAh were Jacob's first-born ReuBen, then SimeOn, Levi, Judah, IshSachar, and ZebuLon. 24 The sons of RachEl were JoSeph and BenJamin. 25 The sons of BalLa (RachEl's handmaid) were Dan and NaphTali. 26 And the sons of ZelPha (Leah's handmaid) were Gad and Asher. These sons were born to Jacob in MesoPotamia of Syria.
27 Then Jacob returned to his father IsaAc in MamRe, to a city of the plains [called] Hebron (in the land of CanaAn), where AbraHam and IsaAc had stayed. 28 For IsaAc had lived a hundred and eighty years 29 before he stopped breathing and died. Then his sons Esau and Jacob buried him beside his family, after he had lived a long and full life.
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