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Chapter 40
1 It was some time after this that the king's chief cupbearer and his chief baker had wronged their lord, the king of Egypt. 2 Pharaoh was furious with his two eunuchs (his chief cupbearer and his chief baker), 3 so he had them locked up in prison… in the same place where JoSeph was kept, 4 and the prison warden left them with JoSeph, who was to guard them. And after they had spent some time in the prison, 5 they both had a dream one night. Each man had his own dream and each dream had its own interpretation.
6 Well the next morning when JoSeph went in to see them, they were both quite disturbed. 7 So he asked Pharaoh's eunuchs who were there in the prison with him, 'Why are you so sad today?'
8 And they replied: 'We have [both] seen [visions] in our dreams, and nobody knows what they mean.' Then JoSeph said: 'Doesn't the interpretation of [dreams come] through God? Tell [me what you saw]!'
9 And the chief cupbearer told JoSeph his dream. He said, 'In my dream [I saw] a vine 10 that had three stems which budded and put out blossoms; then [it formed] clusters of grapes that ripened. 11 And after that, [I found] Pharaoh's cup in my hands. So I took the grapes and squeezed them into the cup, and then I gave the cup to Pharaoh.'
12 And JoSeph said to him, 'This is what [the dream] means: The three stems are three days. 13 So in three days, Pharaoh will remember what you did and he will give back your position as chief cupbearer. Therefore, you will [once again] put Pharaoh's cup in his hands, in the same high position that you once had as his cupbearer.'
14 [Then he continued], 'Now, remember me when things are going well for you… be merciful to me and mention me to Pharaoh, so I can be released from this dungeon. 15 You see; I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews. And although I've done nothing wrong here, I was thrown into this hole.'
16 Well, when the chief baker saw that he had given the right interpretation, he said to JoSeph: 'I also had a dream. I remember looking up, and I found three baskets of bakery goods on my head. 17 In the top basket, there were all the kinds of things that Pharaoh enjoys. But birds in the sky came and ate them out of the basket that was on top of my head.'
18 Then JoSeph told him, 'This is what it means: The three baskets are three days. 19 So in three days, Pharaoh will cut off your head and hang you on a tree, where the birds of the sky will eat your flesh.'
20 Well, three days later, it was Pharaoh's birthday, and he held a banquet for all his servants. It was then that he remembered the offices that the cupbearer and the baker held among his servants. 21 So he restored the chief cupbearer to his office, and he again put Pharaoh's cup in his hands. 22 But he hanged the chief baker, just as JoSeph foretold. 23 However, the chief cupbearer soon forgot about JoSeph.
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