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Chapter 45
1 However, JoSeph couldn't restrain himself when they were all standing there with him; so he said: 'Everyone is dismissed.' As the result, nobody [was there guarding] JoSeph when he told his brothers who he was… 2 and as he spoke, he was crying. Well, all the Egyptians heard about this, and it was reported to the house of Pharaoh. 3 For JoSeph said to his brothers, 'I'm JoSeph! Is my father still alive?' However, his brothers couldn't answer him, because they were in shock!
4 Then JoSeph told his brothers: 'Come closer to me,' and they all came up to him. And he said: 'I'm your brother JoSeph whom you sold into Egypt! 5 But don't be upset and don't feel guilty that you sold me here, because [it was] God who sent me ahead of you, so you could live. 6 For, this [is just] the second year of the famine on the earth, and there are still five years to come when there will be no plowing or reaping. 7 It was God who sent me ahead of you so that some of you would survive on the earth to feed the rest of your crowd. 8 Therefore, you didn't send me here, God did! And now He has made me like a father to Pharaoh… the master of his whole house and the ruler of the entire land of Egypt. 9 So, hurry and return to my father, and tell him that this is what your son JoSeph has said: God has made me the lord of the entire land of Egypt. So, come here to me, and don't delay! 10 You will live in the land of Gesem in Arabia, where you will be close me… you, your sons, your grandsons, your sheep, your cattle, and everything that's yours. 11 I will feed you there, because the famine is going to last for five years. Then, nothing you own will be lost… not your sons or any of your possessions!
12 'Look at me and see! And [you], my brother BenJamin; Use your eyes [and recognize] that it's my mouth speaking to you! 13 So, report to my father about all the glory that I have in Egypt, and about everything that you've seen. Then hurry and bring my father down here.'
14 [Well, after that], he fell on his brother BenJamin's neck and cried, and BenJamin cried on his neck. 15 Then he kissed all his brothers and cried over them, and his brothers [were finally able to] speak to him.
16 Well, the report of this was carried to the house of Pharaoh, for he was told, 'JoSeph's brothers have come.' And this made Pharaoh and his household very happy.
17 Then Pharaoh said to JoSeph: 'Tell your brothers to [get] wagons and return to the land of CanaAn 18 to get their father and all their possessions, and come to me. I will give them all the good things of Egypt, and they will eat from the [best] of our land.
19 'Now, you must give them these instructions: Tell them to take wagons from the land of Egypt so as to get their women, their children, and your father, and come here. 20 [Tell them] not to worry about their property, because all the good things of Egypt will be theirs.'
21 Well, that's what the children of IsraEl did. JoSeph gave them wagons, just as Pharaoh the king had said, and he gave them the things they would need for their journey. 22 He also gave each of them two suits of clothes… but he gave BenJamin five suits of clothes, plus three hundred gold coins. 23 And he sent the same gifts to his father, plus ten burros that carried a sampling of all the good things of Egypt, and ten mules that carried [provisions] for their journey.
24 So he dismissed his brothers and they left. But before they left, he told them: 'Don't leave angry.'
25 Then they left Egypt and returned to the land of CanaAn and to their father Jacob. 26 There they reported everything to him, saying, 'Your son JoSeph is ALIVE, and he's now the ruler of the entire land of Egypt!' Well, this was so amazing to Jacob that he didn't believe them. 27 But they told him everything that JoSeph said, no matter what it was that he said to them. Then he noticed the chariots that JoSeph had sent to pick him up, and that's when the spirit of their father Jacob was restored. 28 And IsraEl said: 'If my son JoSeph is still alive, that's wonderful! I want to go see him before I die!'
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