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Chapter 46
1 So IsraEl left with everything he had. And when he got to the Well of the Promise (BeerSheba), he offered a sacrifice to the God of his father IsaAc. 2 Then God spoke to IsraEl in a vision that night. He said: 'Jacob! Jacob!' And (Jacob) asked, 'What is it?'
3 Then [God] said to him: 'I am the God of your ancestors. Don't be afraid to go down to Egypt, because I will make a great nation of you there. 4 I will also go down to Egypt with you, and I will bring you back… it will be JoSeph who will lay his hands over your eyes.'
5 Thereafter, Jacob left the Well of the Promise, and IsraEl's sons carried their father, their baggage, and their women on the wagons that JoSeph sent to them. 6 They also brought along the goods and property that they had obtained in the land of CanaAn, and they went to the land of Egypt (Jacob and all his descendants – 7 his sons, his grandsons, his daughters, and his granddaughters)… he brought all of his seed down to Egypt.
8 These are the names of the grandsons of IsraEl that went to Egypt with their father Jacob: The sons of Jacob's first-born, ReuBen, were 9 Enoch, PhalLus, Asron, and Charmi. 10 The sons of SimeOn were JemuEl, Jamin, Aod, Achin, SaAr, and Saul (the son of a CanaAnite woman). 11 The sons of Levi were Gedson, CaAth, and MeraRi. 12 The sons of Judah were Er, Aunan (who died in the land of CanaAn), Selom, Phares, Zara, and Er. 13 Phares' sons were EsRon and JemuEl. The sons of IshSachar were: Thola, Phua, Asum, and SamBran. 14 The sons of ZebuLun were Sered, AlLon, and AchoEl.
15 These were the sons that LeAh gave birth to (for Jacob) in MesoPotamia of Syria, and those of his daughter Dina. Altogether, the sons and daughters numbered thirty-three.
16 The sons of Gad were Saphon, Angis, SanNis, ThasoBan, Aedis, AroEdis, and AreElis. 17 The sons of Asher were JemNa, JesShua, JeUl, BariJa, and their sister, SarAh. BariJa's sons were Chobor, and MelchiEl.
18 These were the sons that ZelPha (whom Laban had given to his daughter LeAh) gave birth to for Jacob – sixteen people.
19 The sons of Jacob's woman RachEl were JoSeph and BenJamin, 20 and the sons that were born to JoSeph in the land of Egypt through Asenath (the daughter of Petephre, the priest of HelioPolis) were ManasSeh, and Ephraim. The son that was born to ManasSeh by his Syrian concubine was MachIr. Then MachIr fathered GalaAd. Ephraim's sons were SutalaAm and TaAm. SutalaAm's son was Edom.
21 The sons of BenJamin were Bala, Bochor, and Asbel. Bala's sons were Gera, NoEman, Anchis, Ros, and Mamphim. Then Gera fathered Arad.
22 These were the sons that RachEl gave birth to for Jacob. All together, there were eighteen people.
23 The son of Dan was Hushim, 24 and NaphTali's sons were AsiEl, Goni, IshSaar, and SolLem.
25 These were the sons that BalLa (whom Laban had given to his daughter RachEl) gave birth to for Jacob. [Altogether], there were seven people.
26 Therefore, all the descendants of Jacob that came with him to Egypt (those – except his son's women – that came from his loins) totaled sixty-six. 27 And the sons of JoSeph who were born in the land of Egypt totaled nine. So all the people of the house of Jacob who were with JoSeph in Egypt totaled seventy-five.
28 Now, [Jacob] had sent Judah ahead of him to JoSeph, to [tell him to] meet him at the City of HroOn (Mit El-Harun?) in the land of RaMesse. 29 So JoSeph got his chariots ready and went to meet his father IsraEl at the City of HroOn. And when he got there, [JoSeph] fell on [Jacob's] neck and cried profusely.
30 Then IsraEl said to JoSeph: 'Now that I've seen your face, I can die happily, because you're still alive!'
31 And JoSeph told his brothers: 'I will go to Pharaoh and tell him this: My brothers and my father's household have arrived from the land of CanaAn. 32 These men are shepherds and cattlemen, and they've brought along their cattle, herds, and all their property. 33 So if Pharaoh calls you and asks, What is your occupation? 34 you must answer, Your servants have been shepherds since our youth… both we and our fathers. [You must say this] so you can live in the land of Gesem (Goshen?) in Arabia, because those who shepherd flocks are considered disgusting by the Egyptians.'
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