Food for Thinking Jehovah's Witnesses
“‘But you are seeking great things for yourself. Stop seeking such things. For I am about to bring a calamity on all flesh,’ declares Jehovah, ‘and wherever you may go, I will grant you your life as a spoil.’”
Disclaimer: this site does not claim to hold the truth. The reader should be able to exercise good judgment, carefully examining the Scriptures as to whether these things are so. (Acts 17:11)
Robert King (e-watchman)
“Truly I tell you today – you will be with me in paradise”
Jesus uses the phrase “Truly I say to you, …” over 50 times in the Bible. In the NWT, the comma is placed after the word “you” every time except in Lk 23:43, where the comma is placed after the word “today”. Why is the comma placed after “today” instead of after “you” in this verse? If the translation of this phrase in Lk 23:43 was consistent with the translation of this phrase in all the other verses in which it appears (see concordance), and the comma was placed after the word “you”, how would it read?

First, while Jesus frequently used the expression “truly I say to you,” he only used the expression “truly I say to you today” on one occasion, and that was on the day of his execution. It should be pointed out that the original Greek did not have such punctuation marks. It is up to the translator to determine where punctuation marks, such as a comma, should be placed. And in the instance of Luke 23:43 it is evident that the comma should be placed after the word “today” – so as to say: “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.” This is where a little knowledge is helpful. And of course, honesty is also important. Those who insist that a comma should be placed before “today” would have us believe that Jesus was promising the thief that he was going to be in paradise that very day. This reveals a profound and appalling ignorance of a very fundamental truth expressed throughout the Bible. Even young children in Sunday school know that Jesus was killed and was in the grave for parts of three days and on the third day he arose from the dead. Jesus certainly was not transported to paradise or heaven or anywhere else on the day that he breathed his last – at least not as a living person. After he was taken down from the stake he was wrapped in burial cloth and carried by his secret disciples and laid in a tomb. In fact, even after his resurrection Jesus walked among his disciples for 40 days before he ascended back to heaven. Furthermore, the Bible clearly explains that Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. Are we to assume that the thief preceded Jesus into paradise while the Lord lay in a tomb awaiting his Father’s call to awaken? Moreover, after the holy spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost the apostle Peter explained the resurrection of Jesus by referring the Jews to a Psalm that King David had written 1000 years before. The Psalm said that you will not leave the soul of your loyal one in the grave. And then the apostle explained that David was still in his grave and his tomb was among them to that day. (Acts, chapter two) He said that so that they could understand that the Psalm actually applied to the Messiah. So, if righteous King David was still in the grave waiting for the resurrection, are we to assume that the thief also preceded David into paradise? It is disingenuous for someone who is steeped in the mythology of Christendom to take issue with Jehovah’s Witnesses and the New World Translation for the placement of a comma in a passage referring to paradise, when the common churchgoer has no understanding of what Jesus was even talking about. It is beyond their comprehension and willingness to accept the fact that Jesus was promising the evildoer who was executed alongside him that he would receive a resurrection, not to heaven, but into paradise on earth. Ironically, even the thief apparently knew more of the truth than the average churchgoer today. He certainly did not expect to be transported to heaven then, or anytime afterward. Going to heaven was a foreign concept to the Jews. Even the apostles and original disciples imagined that Jesus’ kingdom was going to manifest itself on the earth. It was only after their anointing that their minds were opened up to the fact that they had been invited to join Christ in heaven. But the thief certainly had no expectation of a heavenly reward. Nor did he expect to be instantaneously resurrected. That is why he asked Jesus to remember him when he got into his Kingdom at some point in the future. Just as the men of Sodom will rise up in the resurrection and condemn the unbelieving Jews who rejected Jesus, we may expect the thief who is resurrected to paradise to condemn the stupidity and unreasonableness that characterizes churchgoers today, who know nothing of the truth but who attempt to teach Jehovah’s Witnesses with their empty-headed stumper questions.
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Let us examine our beliefs:

the existence of God

If a Christian, and especially a Jehovah's Witness, is asked to provide proof of the existence of God, it is very likely that he will quote verse four of the third chapter of the letter to the Hebrews, "every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God".

The reasoning may be right, nothing came from nothing but everything on earth is due to the will of a designer, it is still good to note that Paul was not trying to argue about the existence of a Creator. He spoke to his Hebrew Christian companions who certainly did not question the fact that the universe was ruled by a powerful being who is behind everything. Moreover, in antiquity the problem was certainly not the non-belief in God but rather the opposite: people tended to believe in a multitude of gods. Furthermore, Paul, on one occasion, noticed that an altar dedicated to an unknown god had been made, certainly for fear of forgetting to revere a deity.

Acalia & Marta
Parables for Our Days (Part 1)
What do the parables of Jesus have to say to us? Are they related to our days? First, we must identify and understand which of them have a prophetic application. For example, the parable of the prodigal son contains an excellent teaching for us, but is not prophetic, it announces no event! How then to distinguish the types of parabolas? As usual, it is very simple: we will stick to what Jesus Christ Himself said, without adding or taking away. We will limit the interpretations to the only elements that can be derived directly from narratives or other particular and relevant texts. For the rest, we will gladly content ourselves with the Lord's reply: "It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction" – Acts 1:7

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