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The Genesis
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Chapter 3
1 [At the time], both of them (the man and the woman) were naked and unashamed.
2 Then the snake (which was the wiliest of the animals that Jehovah had made on the earth) asked the woman, 'Why did God tell you that you shouldn't eat from all of the trees in the Paradise?'
3 And the woman replied to the snake: 'We can eat the fruit from the trees of Paradise, but God said that we shouldn't eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of Paradise – that we shouldn't even touch it – or we will die.'
4 Then the snake told the woman: 'You won't stop living and die, 5 for God knows that on whatever day you eat from it your eyes will be opened wide and you will be like gods knowing good and evil.'
6 Well, the woman saw that the tree was worthy as food, it was a pleasant sight to her eyes, and it was a beautiful thing to think about. So after picking its fruit, she ate it. Then she gave some to her man (who was with her), and they ate it [together]. 7 And thereafter, the eyes of both of them were opened wide and they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made skirts to go around themselves.
8 Then they heard the voice of Jehovah God as He walked around in Paradise at dusk; so Adam and his woman hid from the face of Jehovah God, among the trees of Paradise.
9 Well thereafter, Jehovah God called to Adam, saying, 'Where are you Adam?'
10 And [Adam] replied to God: 'I heard Your voice as You were walking through Paradise, but I was afraid because of my nakedness, so I hid myself.'
11 Then God asked him: 'If you haven't eaten from the only tree that I commanded you not to eat from; then, who told you that you were naked?'
12 And Adam replied: 'It was that woman whom You gave me as a companion… she gave me some [fruit] from the tree, and I ate it.'
13 Then Jehovah God asked the woman: 'Why did you do this?' And the woman replied: 'The snake deceived me, so I ate it.'
14 Then Jehovah God said to the snake: 'Because you did this; among all the cattle and wild animals of the earth, you [alone] are doomed to be punished. Therefore, you will now travel on your chest and belly and you will have to eat from the ground all the days of your life. 15 I'm going to create hatred between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. So he will watch for your head and you will watch for his heel.'
16 Then He said to the woman: 'I will now make your sorrow and moaning [much] worse, for when you give birth to children, you will groan. You must also submit to your man and he will dominate you.'
17 Then He said to Adam: 'Because you listened to your woman's voice and ate from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from (and from which you went ahead and ate), the work that you will do on the ground is cursed, and you will groan as you eat from it all the days of your life. 18 Briars and thistles will grow for you, and your food will be the grasses in the fields. 19 You will eat your bread through the sweat on your face until you return to the ground from which you were taken… yes, you were taken from the ground and that's where you will return!'
20 And thereafter, Adam called his woman's name Life, because she was the mother of all [human] life.
21 Then Jehovah God made leather clothing for Adam and his woman, and dressed them in it.
22 Then God said, 'Look, Adam has become one of us now in knowing good and evil!' Therefore, to prevent him from reaching out to pick and eat from the Tree of Life, seeking age-long life, 23 Jehovah God put Adam outside of the Paradise of Delights, so that he had to work the ground that he was taken from. 24 Yes, He threw Adam out and made him live next to the Paradise of Delights. Then He stationed the [heavenly] cherubs with their flaming, spinning swords to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
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