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The Genesis
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Chapter 4
1 Well thereafter, Adam had [sexual relations] with Eue, his woman, so she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. And she said, 'I have gained a man through God.' 2 Then she again gave birth to his brother, Abel. Abel [grew up to be] a herder of sheep, while Cain worked the ground.
3 After many days, Cain brought some of the fruit of the ground as a sacrifice to Jehovah, 4 while Abel brought the first-born of his sheep and of his belongings. And God looked favorably upon Abel and his gifts, 5 but He paid no attention to Cain and his sacrifices; so Cain was very sad and his face [reflected] this. 6 Then Jehovah God asked Cain: 'Why are you so sad and why is your face so long? 7 For, even if you didn't bring righteously; did you sin by sharing? Leave it alone, because [Abel] will submit to you and you will [rule] over him!'
8 But thereafter, Cain said to his brother Abel: 'Let's go out into the fields.' Then, while they were in their fields, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
9 And when Jehovah God asked Cain, 'Where is your brother?' he replied, 'I don't know… I'm not my brother's keeper!'
10 Then Jehovah asked, 'What have you done? Why, I hear the blood of your brother calling to Me from the ground! 11 So, now you are cursed by the ground, which has opened her mouth wide to [drink] the blood of your brother from your hand. 12 Therefore, when you work the ground, it will [no longer] give you its strength, so you will have to groan and tremble on the earth.'
13 Then Cain told Jehovah God: 'My crime is too great to be forgiven. 14 So if you [drive me] away from Your face and the face of the land today, I will hide, groaning and trembling on the land. Then anyone who finds me will kill me!'
15 And Jehovah God replied: 'That isn't so! For, whoever kills Cain will pay seven penalties.' Then Jehovah God put a mark on Cain so that nobody who found him would kill him. 16 And thereafter, Cain left the presence of God and lived in Nod, which also borders Edem.
17 There, Cain [had sex] with his woman and she became pregnant, giving birth to Enoch. [Then Cain] built a city, which he named after his son, Enoch. 18 Enoch fathered GaiDad; GaiDad fathered MalaleEl; MalaleEl fathered MethuSelah; and MethuSelah fathered Lamech. 19 Then Lamech took two women; the first was Ada and the second was SelLa. 20 Ada gave birth to JoBel, who was the ancestor of those who lived in tents and herded cattle. 21 He had a brother named JuBal, who invented the lute and the harp. 22 SelLa also gave birth to ThoBel, who worked iron and brass. And he had a sister named NoEma.
23 Then Lamech told his women (Ada and SelLa): 'Listen to me, [my] women! Remember this: I have killed a man who wounded me… a young man who whipped me. 24 So if the vengeance [for killing] Cain was seven punishments; mine will be seven times that.'
25 Adam [again had sex with] his woman Eue and she became pregnant, giving birth to a son whom she named Seth. For she said: 'God has [provided me with] another son to replace Abel, who was murdered by Cain.'
26 Then Seth had a son whom he named Enos, who hoped to call upon the Name Jehovah, The God.
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