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The Genesis
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Chapter 6
1 Now, as the population of men grew on the earth and they fathered daughters, 2 the sons of The God noticed that the daughters of men were beautiful; so they took all whom they chose as their women.
3 Then Jehovah God said: 'There's no way that My Breath will stay with these men. They're [just] flesh, so their [lives] will last just one hundred and twenty [more] years.'
4 Well, there were giants on the earth back in those days; for after that, the sons of The God continuously [had sex] with the daughters of mankind and fathered [children] for themselves who became the giants and the famous men of that age. 5 And Jehovah God saw that the badness of the men was getting much worse on the earth, for the things they thought of in their hearts each day was just twisted toward evil. 6 So God became agitated (gr. enethumethe) about His creating mankind on the earth. Then He shook His head (dienoethe) 7 and declared: 'I will wipe the people that I made off the face of the earth… the people, the cattle, and the winged creatures of the skies, for I'm sorry that I made them.' 8 However, Noah found mercy in the eyes of The God, Jehovah.
9 This is the account of Noah's generation: Noah was a righteous man… perfect [when compared to] that generation, for Noah pleased God well. 10 Then he fathered three sons; Shem, Ham, and JaPheth.
11 As God saw it, the land had become unclean and the earth was filled with unrighteousness. 12 So when Jehovah God looked at the earth, all He saw was corruption, because all flesh had become corrupt in its ways. 13 Then Jehovah God told Noah: 'A season is now before me [that will lead to the end of] all men, because the earth is filled with their unrighteousness. Look! I'm going to lay waste to them and to the whole earth! 14 So [you must] make a chest of squared timbers for yourself and [divide the] chest into stalls. Then cover both the inside and outside of it with tar.
15 'This is how you should build the chest: [Make it] five hundred feet long, eighty feet wide, and fifty feet tall. 16 Then make a roof that is about twenty-inches thick. Also, put a door into the side of the chest and make a bottom floor, a second floor, and a third floor. 17 [For when it's completed], {Look!} I'm going to bring a downpour of water upon the ground to destroy all flesh under the skies that has the breath of life, so that whatever is on the ground will end. 18 Then I will establish a Sacred Agreement between you and Me.'
19 '[I want you to] bring all [types of] cattle, slithering animals, and wild animals – all [types of] flesh – into the chest by pairs of males and females. Then bring in food for them and for yourselves. 20 They should all eat with you, both the males and the females… all types of winged creatures, all types of cattle, and all varieties of slithering animals that crawl along the ground. 21 Also, gather every kind of food for yourselves so that you will each have something to eat.'
22 And Noah did everything that Jehovah God told him to do.
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