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The Genesis
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Chapter 7
1 Then Jehovah God said to Noah: 'Now you and your family must go into the chest, because I have found [just] you to be righteous among this generation. 2 Take the clean cattle in with you by sevens (males and females), and bring in pairs of unclean cattle (males and females). 3 [Do the same with] the winged creatures of the sky… bring in the clean ones by sevens (males and females) and [just] pairs of all the unclean winged creatures (males and females), so their seed will remain on the earth. 4 For in just seven days I will bring rain to the ground [that will last for] forty days and forty nights, and I will blot out every creature that I've made from the face of the entire earth!'
5 Then Noah did everything that Jehovah God had commanded him.
6 Noah was six hundred years old when the Downpour of waters started on the earth. 7 Then Noah, his woman, his sons, and their women went into the chest with him (because of the Downpour of water). 8 And the clean winged creatures, the unclean winged creatures, the clean cattle, the unclean cattle, and all the wild animals, as well as all the things that crawl on the ground 9 came to Noah and entered the chest in pairs of males and females, just as God had commanded Noah. 10 Then after seven days, the water of the Downpour came to the earth.
11 It was in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the twenty-seventh day of the second month, that all the springs under the ground broke open, and the floodgates of the skies were opened. 12 Then it rained on the earth for forty days and forty nights. 13 It started on the very day that Noah, his woman, Shem, Ham, JaPheth (the sons of Noah and his woman) and their three women went into the chest with him.
14 Also, all the wild animals (each of its kind), all the cattle (each of its kind), all the slithering animals that move on the earth (each of its kind), 15 and all the winged creatures (each of its kind) went inside the chest to Noah in pairs of males and females… everything that had the breath of life. 16 Males and females of all flesh went inside, just as God had commanded Noah; then Jehovah God closed the chest from the outside.
17 Thereafter, the Downpour continued on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and the water got so deep that it lifted the chest high above the ground. 18 The water dominated and totally covered the land, and the chest was carried along on top of the water. 19 For the water dominated and covered even the tallest mountains under the whole sky… 20 it covered the highest mountains by at least twenty-five feet.
21 So every moving thing on the earth died… all the men, winged creatures, cattle, wild animals, and all the slithering animals that moved across the ground. 22 Everything that lived on the land and had the breath of life, died. 23 God blotted out all His creatures on the face of the earth… the men, the animals, the winged creatures, and the slithering animals. He blotted them off of the earth. The only ones that remained were Noah and those who were with him in the chest. 24 Altogether, the water covered the land for a hundred and fifty days.
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