Food for Thinking Jehovah's Witnesses
“‘But you are seeking great things for yourself. Stop seeking such things. For I am about to bring a calamity on all flesh,’ declares Jehovah, ‘and wherever you may go, I will grant you your life as a spoil.’”
Disclaimer: this site does not claim to hold the truth. The reader should be able to exercise good judgment, carefully examining the Scriptures as to whether these things are so. (Acts 17:11)
Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
Keep Doing This in Remembrance of Me
Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
Keep Doing This in Remembrance of Me

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of the heavens is the goal toward which men press, and those pressing forward are seizing it. - Matthew 11:12

On Friday, April 19, 2019, millions of Jehovah's Witnesses and supporters around the world will gather to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. However, most of them will attend this important event as “observers”, watching the bread and wine “pass” from hand to hand without eating or drinking. It will be so, because according to the official doctrine of the Organisation, the “anointed” are the only ones to have the right to eat the bread and drink the wine, since Christ would have made a covenant for a kingdom with them only, opening them the prospect of going to heaven, and that therefore, they are the only ones to have been invited to partake of the emblems. All others, that is, those whose destiny is earthly life, are invited to attend respectfully being observers and not partakers.


Joseph, a Model of Christ
Joseph, a Model of Christ

When a Christian has doubts about a course of action, he sometimes finds it appropriate to ask himself the following question: what would Christ have done if he was in my shoes? And often the answer is spontaneous and then that person makes the right decision. Christ is obviously the example to follow, but someone might object that Jesus being a perfect man, things were therefore much easier for him.

Although this is not true - Jesus had the free choice of his actions and he could have succumbed to the incessant temptations of Satan - other righteous men can serve as an example.


Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
Why only ten commandments were written directly by God?
Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
Why only ten commandments were written directly by God?
After seeing "The Ten Commandments" movie one of my Pentecostal friends asked me a mind boggling question: Why only the Ten Commandments were directly written by God while all other laws were transmitted and written by Moses? At that time I wasn't able to answer and I did kept quite! But after giving a deep thought over the question seriously, finally I was able to give an answer with scriptural proof. This will be a very good answer to all those who come across such question.

Let us examine our beliefs:

the existence of God

Let us examine our beliefs:

the existence of God

If a Christian, and especially a Jehovah's Witness, is asked to provide proof of the existence of God, it is very likely that he will quote verse four of the third chapter of the letter to the Hebrews, "every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God".

The reasoning may be right, nothing came from nothing but everything on earth is due to the will of a designer, it is still good to note that Paul was not trying to argue about the existence of a Creator. He spoke to his Hebrew Christian companions who certainly did not question the fact that the universe was ruled by a powerful being who is behind everything. Moreover, in antiquity the problem was certainly not the non-belief in God but rather the opposite: people tended to believe in a multitude of gods. Furthermore, Paul, on one occasion, noticed that an altar dedicated to an unknown god had been made, certainly for fear of forgetting to revere a deity.


Robert King (e-watchman)
Why so many kingdom halls for sale?
Robert King (e-watchman)
Why so many kingdom halls for sale?

Because of its status as a private corporation, it is difficult, if not impossible, to know the Watchtower's financial state. The Society is not required to publicly disclose its financials. What we do know, though, is that the leadership of the organisation has apparently been tempted to implement a scheme to extract equity from their real estate holdings due to inflated property values. This is most evident from the sell-off of the Brooklyn headquarters that had been in operation for a century. Supposedly the sale of all the various buildings in Brooklyn Heights fetched around a billion dollars. That’s a lot of money for a non-profit organisation.


Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
Understanding the identity of the 10 virgins leads to salvation
Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
Understanding the identity of the 10 virgins leads to salvation

In the article named "Five discreet Virgins and Five foolish "(on the blog Let us pay attention to prophecy) we have touched, even if only partially, one of the most doctrinal and profound themes not only of Jehovah's Witnesses but of all the Christian religions. In that article we tried to answer the following questions: "Who are the virgins? Why do they fall asleep? What do the lamps represent? The oil? What does it mean for us? "As was the case with other articles, we had always started from the same assumption that" we are God's people". Consequently, who could be the virgins if not "us"?
Obviously the fact that the "foolish virgins" could be Christianity was contested, and for a series of reasons. The following questions arose: "May Christendom, the one who betrayed the Lord Jesus by making political alliances with the world of Satan and teaching falsehoods, be compared to a virgin? Can they really hope to reign with Christ if the majority of them have never even believed us? Can we say that they are really waiting for the Kingdom of God if they have put all their hopes in the UN? Do they really have "lamps" with them if they have replaced the biblical teachings with all sorts of human philosophy? The answer is no to all four questions”. These questions are still valid but having now understood our real position in the eyes of God, even on this subject it is necessary to adjust the shot.


Eric Wilson
Our Christian Hope
Eric Wilson
Our Christian Hope
In the last article we examined the hope of the Other Sheep mentioned in John 10:16: and I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those too I must bring in, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd. (John 10:16) The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses teaches that these two groups of Christians—“this fold” and the “other sheep”—are distinguished by the reward they receive. The first are spirit-anointed and go to heaven, the second are not spirit-anointed and live on earth still as imperfect sinners. We saw from the Scriptures in our last article that this is a false teaching. The Scriptural evidence supports the conclusion that the Other Sheep are distinguished from “this fold” not by their hope, but by their origins. They are Gentile Christians, not Jewish Christians. We also learned that the Bible does not teach two hopes, but one: one body there is, and one spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

Eric Wilson
Who Are the Other Sheep?
Eric Wilson
Who Are the Other Sheep?
In this article, we are examining the unique JW teaching of the Other Sheep, and this gives us the opportunity to apply two criteria we use to determine whether a religion is true or false: 1) Does the doctrine conform to what the Bible teaches, and 2) By preaching it, are we preaching the Good News.

Eric Wilson
Has Jehovah Always Had an Organization?
Eric Wilson
Has Jehovah Always Had an Organization?
Eric Wilson is a Witness from Canada who administers the site He has recently posted several videos on the theme of identifying true worship. The text below is the transcript of the second part of this series, Has Jehovah Always Had an Organization? I let you discover his conclusions, which will not fail to surprise you. Feel free to argue in the comments space.

Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
What Does It Mean, Nor Will He Show Regard For The Desire Of Women? Daniel 11:37
Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
What Does It Mean, Nor Will He Show Regard For The Desire Of Women? Daniel 11:37
Easach offers us the fruit of his research and his vision of the verse of Daniel chapter 11, verse 37 which says: "He will show no look for the God of his fathers; nor will he show look for the desire of women or for any other god, but he will magnify himself over everyone."
You are encouraged to share your thoughts on this subject with Easach, hope that an interesting discussion will ensue.

"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved."
"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved."
These words of the apostle Paul, that he spoke to the jailer in Philippi, is perhaps the best known and most often quoted Scripture. More than anything else, it is this simple message that unites the millions of members of the over 33,000 diverse denominations that make up the realm of Christendom. But does simply believing in the Lord Jesus meet God's requirements for a person to be saved?

"Keep doing this in remembrance of me"
"Keep doing this in remembrance of me"
Screenshot Memorial 2018 Italian Speech
It's a sad fact that many of Jehovah's sincere worshipers put more faith in the Watchtower Society's publications than in God's inspired Word, which the Society claims to base their teachings on.

Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
Which nations disappear at Armageddon?
Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
Which nations disappear at Armageddon?
Chapters 19 and 20 of Revelation unveil some significant details about the war of Armageddon and what will happen next. These details will include two major changes to current understanding and this "change of vision" will be a real stumbling block for many Jehovah's Witnesses.

Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
What does the two copper mountains of Zechariah symbolize?
Rathanavelu Lazarus Sadhu
What does the two copper mountains of Zechariah symbolize?
Stefan Stefancik from Pexels and klausdie from Pixabay
The Watchtower of October 2017 contains two articles of study for the last two weeks of December. The two articles deal with the fifth and sixth chapter of the book of Zechariah. As usual, the explanation given by the Watchtower is insufficient: the redactors have totally watered down Chapter Six.

Musings About God
Cracking the Bible code…
Musings About God
Cracking the Bible code…
Cracking the code of the Bible actually turns out to be remarkably simple.
About two thousand years ago a historian named Flavius Josephus was working under a patronage to Emperor Vespasian of Rome. In the course of writing the history of his people, the Jews, for Rome, he basically did a recap of the Bible in his book 'The Antiquities of the Jews'. However, in the course of doing a summary of the book of Daniel, he ventured an interpretation of the vision of the Second Chapter: the vision of the image with the head of gold and feet of clay. Josephus concluded that there were four kingdoms represented by the different parts of the image, the head of gold being Babylon, the chest of silver being Medo-Persia, the thorax of bronze (some translations say brass or copper) Greece , the legs of iron Rome. And this understanding was accepted by the Roman Catholic church and subsequently almost all Christian religions up to this day. In fact, the four beasts of Daniel chapter seven are thought to match the four kingdoms of chapter two perfectly. But a closer look reveals some important details.

Musings About God
A Special Alert for Jehovah's Witnesses and friends of C.T.Russell…

Acalia & Marta
Who compose the Israel of God?
Acalia & Marta
Who compose the Israel of God?
The 144'000, as we have seen, are a group of men and women chosen by God to reign with Jesus Christ in heaven. They do not represent the entire Israel of God but only a part. So, who are those who compose the Israel of God? (Galatians 6:16) We will also answer other questions: What is the relationship between the "little flock", the "other sheep" and the "great crowd"? (Luke 12:32; John 10:16; Revelation 7:9) In the first century all Christians were part of the 144'000? Are there still components of the 144'000 on earth today?

John 10:16: Who Are the “Other Sheep”?
John 10:16: Who Are the “Other Sheep”?
"And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd." —John 10:16
The words uttered at John 10:16 has greater significance for the “Great Crowd” than they realise. Knowing who the “OtherSheep” are will draw those of the “Great Crowd” closer to their mediator Jesus, and their heavenly father Jehovah God. When considering John 10:16 was Jesus foretelling a future event approximately 2000 years in advance, the appearance of two distinct groups? One group receiving a heavenly calling contrasted to those with the hope of living on earth forever? Or rather, was he referring to prophecies which were about to be fulfilled in connection with the nations who would come to Jehovah in pure worship and have their sins forgiven on the basis of the ransom that his son paid, as the resurrected Jesus.

Struggles, Trials & Strife
Struggles, Trials & Strife
By courtesy of Skeeze on
What can I say about the struggles of mankind, and the strife that we deal with and live with in our every day lives? Perhaps the only credence I can offer this post is to speak from my own perspective, for we all have struggles, trials and strife in life, and we all suffer in our own ways.

Robert King (e-watchman)
Guarded Secrets You Have not Known
Robert King (e-watchman)
Guarded Secrets You Have not Known
It is widely known that the Watchtower is all-imposing upon the spiritual lives of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It controls all that passes for truth. Even when it is wrong it will disfellowship any Jehovah's Witness who points out their error. Only when the Governing Body decides that something is true does it officially become truth for Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is not at all uncommon for Jehovah’s Witnesses to speak of the Governing Body and the faithful and discreet slave in reverential tones. And that gets to the heart of the problem when it comes to reasoning with Jehovah’s Witnesses —the problem being, the Watchtower has transformed itself into an idol.

Robert King (e-watchman)
An introduction to Joel, indeed!
Robert King (e-watchman)
An introduction to Joel, indeed!
by courtesy of FRANCO PATRIZIA on
From the time of J.F. Rutherford the Watchtower has explained the book of Joel in the most absurd way imaginable. The locusts and creeping caterpillars supposedly represent Jehovah’s Witnesses who devour the harvest of Christendom’s fertile fields of operation, forcing the terrified clergy to beseech Jehovah for relief from the hordes of unstoppable ministers who are scaling over their protective walls and sneaking through their windows with tracts and magazines.

Robert King (e-watchman)
Why war is unavoidable
Robert King (e-watchman)
Why war is unavoidable
Although most people are unaware, we have arrived at a great turning point in the history of nations —the gravity of which is impossible to minimize.

Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
I want to know more about all things
Israeli Bar Avaddhòn
I want to know more about all things
“Then I wanted to know more…” – Daniele 7:19

It was really exciting to study the book “Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecies!” and all the prophecies that have come through the centuries have shown, beyond any doubt, the infallibility of the word of God. It is indispensable to compare the biblical book of Daniel to understand many things concerning the Revelation of John because both speak of “the time of the end” and each one completes and reveals interesting details. – Daniel 11:35, 40; Revelation 4:1

God’s view on dedication
God’s view on dedication
What is God's view on dedication? The truth of the matter is, Jehovah God has not said anything on the subject! His Word, the Bible, does not teach the need for us to dedicate ourselves to him in order to gain salvation. Since God is silent on the subject, men have felt free to define whatever they want Dedication to mean. For that reason I find it necessary to quote extensively from the Society's publications, and then compare it with what the Scriptures really say. The bold or cursive in the many quotes are mine to highlight or emphasize the particular point being made.

Acalia & Marta
Parables for Our Days (Part 1)
Acalia & Marta
Parables for Our Days (Part 1)
What do the parables of Jesus have to say to us? Are they related to our days? First, we must identify and understand which of them have a prophetic application. For example, the parable of the prodigal son contains an excellent teaching for us, but is not prophetic, it announces no event! How then to distinguish the types of parabolas? As usual, it is very simple: we will stick to what Jesus Christ Himself said, without adding or taking away. We will limit the interpretations to the only elements that can be derived directly from narratives or other particular and relevant texts. For the rest, we will gladly content ourselves with the Lord's reply: "It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction" – Acts 1:7

"Out of your own mouth I judge you, wicked slave." (Luke 19:22)
"Out of your own mouth I judge you, wicked slave." (Luke 19:22)
The Watchtower Society has written much over the years about the "man of lawlessness." For example, Volume 2 of Insight on the Scriptures, under the heading "Temple," ―and after stating that "anointed Christians are a spiritual temple,"― it goes on to explain that "an impostor" is sitting within God's temple. It says: "The apostle Paul, in warning of the apostasy to come, spoke of 'the man of lawlessness' as setting himself up 'so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.' (2Th 2:3, 4) This 'man of lawlessness' is an apostate, a false teacher, so he actually seats himself only in what he falsely claims to be that temple."―it-2 p. 1083 Temple

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Featured Posts
Let us examine our beliefs:

the existence of God

If a Christian, and especially a Jehovah's Witness, is asked to provide proof of the existence of God, it is very likely that he will quote verse four of the third chapter of the letter to the Hebrews, "every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God".

The reasoning may be right, nothing came from nothing but everything on earth is due to the will of a designer, it is still good to note that Paul was not trying to argue about the existence of a Creator. He spoke to his Hebrew Christian companions who certainly did not question the fact that the universe was ruled by a powerful being who is behind everything. Moreover, in antiquity the problem was certainly not the non-belief in God but rather the opposite: people tended to believe in a multitude of gods. Furthermore, Paul, on one occasion, noticed that an altar dedicated to an unknown god had been made, certainly for fear of forgetting to revere a deity.

Acalia & Marta
Parables for Our Days (Part 1)
What do the parables of Jesus have to say to us? Are they related to our days? First, we must identify and understand which of them have a prophetic application. For example, the parable of the prodigal son contains an excellent teaching for us, but is not prophetic, it announces no event! How then to distinguish the types of parabolas? As usual, it is very simple: we will stick to what Jesus Christ Himself said, without adding or taking away. We will limit the interpretations to the only elements that can be derived directly from narratives or other particular and relevant texts. For the rest, we will gladly content ourselves with the Lord's reply: "It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction" – Acts 1:7

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